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Green Lantern (DC) (1-89) (1960-1972) (90-205) (1976-1986) // Green Lantern #076

Title: Green Lantern #076
Issue: 076
Views: 899

April 1970, Green Lantern #76, classic Neal Adams pencils/inks – cover! This is the 1st Green Lantern/Green Arrow series by Neal Adams! ; Historic 23 page story written by Denny O’Neil is called “No Evil Shall Escape my Sight!” Real - world politics had always gone hand in hand with comics and their creators' own personal perspectives. Yet this was never more creatively expressed than when writer Denny O'Neil and artist Neal Adams paired the liberal Green Arrow with the conservative Green Lantern. In issue #76, Green Lantern thought he was doing his job when he stopped a disgruntled Star City teen from harassing businessman Jubal Slade. Green Arrow, however, decried Green Lantern's actions pointing out that the businessman Green Lantern had rescued was actually a fat cat slumlord planning to tear down the teenager's apartment building. Both heroes took different approaches in trying to convince Slade not to go through with his plans, though together they brought the slumlord to justice after he orchestrated a hit on Green Arrow. On Oa, the Guardians chastised Sector 2814's protector for resorting to means that were not in line with being a Green Lantern. However, when Green Arrow challenged them to come to Earth and get a better understanding of humanity, the Guardian acquiesced, and sent one of their own to accompany the heroes on a cross country journey through America.

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