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Search Results

You Searched For: Cover. We've found 1871 results. (546 Original Art. 1325 Comics.)

Original Art
Showing page 28 of 28.

  Title     Artist   Art Type    Price
Web of Spider-Man (Cover Prelims)
Media Type: Pencil and Ink
Issue: 107 , Page: Cover prelim C
Alex Saviuk (all)
Web of Spider-Man (Cover Prelims)
Media Type: Pencil and Ink
Issue: 109 , Page: Cover prelim A
Alex Saviuk (all)
Web of Spider-Man (Cover Prelims)
Media Type: Pencil and Ink
Issue: 109 , Page: Cover prelim B
Alex Saviuk (all)
Western Team-Up #1 Cover (Lieber/Romita) (1973)
Media Type: Pencil and Ink
Issue: 01 , Page: Cover
Larry Lieber (penciller)
John Romita Sr. (penciller)
Larry Lieber (inker)
Wonder Man #16 Cover (Johnson/Austin) (1992)
Media Type: Pencil and Ink
Issue: 16 , Page: Cover
Jeff Johnson (penciller)
Terry Austin (inker)
Young Love #126 Cover (Oksner/Colletta) (1977)
Media Type: Pencil and Ink
Issue: 126 , Page: Cover
Bob Oksner (penciller)
Vince Colletta (inker)

Showing page 54 of 67.

  Title    Author/Artist Price
Star Spangled War Stories #139
Joe Kubert (all)
Please Inquire
Star Spangled War Stories #140
Joe Kubert (all)
Please Inquire
Star Spangled War Stories #141
Joe Kubert (all)
Please Inquire
Star Spangled War Stories #142
Joe Kubert (all)
Please Inquire
Star Trek 01
Please Inquire
Star*Reach #01
Jim Starlin (penciller)
Walt Simonson (penciller)
Howard Chaykin (penciller)
Please Inquire
Star*Reach #03
Please Inquire
Star*Reach #04
Please Inquire
Star*Reach #06
Please Inquire
Star*Reach #07
Please Inquire
Star*Reach #08
Please Inquire
Star*Reach #09
Please Inquire
Star*Reach #10
Please Inquire
Star*Reach #11
Please Inquire
Star*Reach #12
Please Inquire
Starlord #01
Please Inquire
Starlord #01
Please Inquire
Startling Terror Tales #10
Please Inquire
Stormwatch #01
Please Inquire
Strange Adventures #049
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