Title: | Phantom Stranger #09 (Jim Aparo) (1970) (complete 20 pg story) |
Artists: |
Jim Aparo all
Issue: | 09 |
Page: | 01 |
Media Type: | Pencil and Ink |
Art Type: | Splash Page |
Status: | Personal Collection |
Views: | 1245 |
September/October 1970, Phantom Stranger #9, Page #1 Splash, Jim Aparo pencils/inks, “Obeah Man!”, An astounding, complete 20 page Jim Aparo Phantom Stranger story from the early Bronze Age. Jim Aparo took over the title with issue #7 so this story is his third on the character. His last work on the title was in issue #26.
Jim Aparo is my favorite DC artist by far. I started collecting his art from Brave & Bold, Adventure Comics (Spectre & Deadman), and his early Charlton art (especially The Phantom), as well as some Aquaman, from back when I started in the hobby back in 2002. I have amassed over 120 pages of his prime period art from the early 1970s, including some breathtaking covers, splashes, and panels. So you can imagine my utter shock and excitement when I first saw this story come up in auction. I had to wait for what seemed like an eternity for the opportunity to get it – but I was not to be denied.
Personal Collection