Title: | Astonishing Tales #15 Splash (Kane/Sutton) (1972) |
Artists: |
Gil Kane penciller
Tom Sutton inker |
Issue: | 15 |
Page: | 01 |
Media Type: | Pencil and Ink |
Art Type: | Splash Page |
Status: | Personal Collection |
Views: | 1737 |
December 1972, Astonishing Tales #15, Page #1 Splash, Gil Kane pencils/Tom Sutton inks, “…And Who Will Call Him Savage?”, A glorious nostalgic splash for me from the first 6 months of when I started reading comics back in 1972 as an 11 year old kid. Ka-Zar and Zabu are stuck in the concrete jungle of Manhattan during a time when New York was run down, dirty, dangerous, and basically bankrupt. Gil Kane is one of my favorite artists and Tom Sutton was an awesome inker in the 70s. Sutton also inked Kane on the Warlock title during the same time period, 1972-1973.
Personal Collection