Title: | Creatures on the Loose #31 Splash (Tuska/Colletta) (1974) |
Artists: |
George Tuska penciller
Vince Colletta inker |
Issue: | 31 |
Page: | 01 |
Media Type: | Pencil and Ink |
Art Type: | Splash Page |
Status: | Personal Collection |
Views: | 2169 |
September 1974, Creatures on the Loose #31, Page #1 Splash, George Tuska pencils/Vince Colletta inks, "The Beast Within!", 2nd Appearance in solo title: Man-Wolf! Vince Colletta's scratchy inks and cross-hatching over Tuska's solid pencils are just incredible here. In this 2nd issue of Man-Wolf’s own title, Man-Wolf survives the fall from the Statue of Liberty and he reverts back to John Jameson. He arrives at his father’s office wounded and worn out. Rejecting Jonah's suggestion of going to a doctor, John goes to his trashed apartment, a result of his change from the night before. He changes clothes and goes over to Kristine's apartment. Soon the police arrive and arrest John, who's is considered AWOL from NASA. As John is taken away, the moon comes out and changes him into the Man-Wolf. The creature then escapes from the police.
Personal Collection