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Personal Collection // Val Mayerik // Creatures on the Loose #23 Story (Mayerik/Colletta) (1973)

Title: Creatures on the Loose #23 Story (Mayerik/Colletta) (1973)
Artists: Val Mayerik penciller
Vince  Colletta  inker
Issue: 23
Page: 01
Media Type: Pencil and Ink
Art Type: Splash Page
Status: Personal Collection
Views: 2193

May 1973, Creatures on the Loose #23, Page #1 Splash, Val Mayeril pencils/Vince Colletta inks, "Where Broods the Demon!", a tremendous Bronze Age complete story - the 2nd issue of Thongor, a great character based on the science fiction novel, "Thieves of Zangabal" by Lin Carter; I remember reading this great story back in 1973 as a 12 year old boy- sigh!

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