Title: | Captain America #153 (Buscema/Mooney) (1972) |
Artists: |
Sal Buscema penciller
Jim Mooney inker |
Issue: | 153 |
Page: | 01 |
Media Type: | Pencil and Ink |
Art Type: | Splash Page |
Status: | Personal Collection |
Views: | 2526 |
September 1972, Captain America #153, Page #1 Splash, Sal Buscema pencils/Jim Mooney inks, “Captain America--Hero Or Hoax?”, Well, what can I say! This is the most magnificent splash I have ever seen and wanted since I first started collecting comic art, back in 2002. I’m very proud and ecstatic to finally have it in my collection! This is the 1st Captain America comic I ever read off the newsstand! The original cover date is September 1972 and in this issue began the historic storyline, "Captain America--Hero Or Hoax?", written by Steve Englehart, which reintroduced the 1950s Cap and Bucky in the current Captain America timeline! Back in July 2003, this historic splash appeared for sale at Heritage auctions. I had already bid high for a few items that fateful day so I did not bid aggressively on this splash, even though I wanted it more than anything. So I bid $600 or $690 with the Heritage commission, which was more than double what it should have sold for. Well, at the end of the day, I won almost everything else I bid on, except for this splash. I was outbid by $25 and someone got it for $625 or $718.75. I was in shock but I licked my wounds and moved on. The custodian for this great splash all these years was Colorado Kid, who loved and cherished it, and was kind enough to post it on CAF for all of us to enjoy. I want to thank him again for deciding to sell it to me. I paid just a bit more this time around, but well worth it to obtain my Grail Sal Buscema Captain America piece.
Personal Collection